Stories of Vitality
Ukraine/Quaker Op-Ed: War is not the Answer
I worked with FCNL from 2006 to 2010, and I found in the slogan “War is Not the Answer” a powerful double meaning. It was an expression of Quaker faith, most famously exemplified by the declaration of members of the founding generation of Friends to King Charles II of England in 1660
In Memoriam - Elizabeth Irene Hurst
Elizabeth Irene Hurst, a member of Newtown Meeting, passed away March 2nd, 2022, of ovarian cancer, surrounded by her beloved family: her husband Ross Blair and her very special adult children, Baxter and Dixie'drea. Elizabeth responded to each health setback with courage and determination.
Welcoming a Young Friend Into Membership
Fiona Simek is one of the youngest attenders from Doylestown Meeting to request membership. Last September she wrote her letter, had a Clearness Committee, and in October 2021 she was welcomed into membership. She is 13.
What I Learned from “One Night Without a Home”
Rick Dow, a member of Lehigh Valley Friends Meeting in Bethlehem, PA, relates his experience of being “homeless” for 12 hours during the Lehigh Conference of Churches “One Night Without a Home.”
Bucks Quakers Campaign for Full and Fair Education Funding
Members of Southampton Meeting and Newtown Meeting have aligned with the Bucks County chapter of POWER Interfaith in a nonviolent direct action and advocacy campaign for education justice in our state.
Christmas Carol Singing at Friends Village
Bucks Quarter and Friends Village have always had a special relationship. Each holiday season, Friends from around the Quarter traditionally come to the Styer Campus, hymnals in hand, to lead the residents in singing Christmas carols.
Bristol Friends Meeting Helps Resettle Afghan Refugees
Bristol Friends gathered for worship on the fourth Sunday in November, as we do every month, but for once the meetinghouse was full, so full there were barely enough places for Friends to sit. The meetinghouse was full, not with people
Historical Marker Unveiled at Nixon Cemetery
On Saturday, October 2nd Quakertown Friends Meeting held a dedication ceremony for an historic marker that honors the Nixon Cemetery, a burial site for non-Quakers that the Meeting offered to the community starting in 1764.
Remembering Irene Fisher
Irene P. Fisher was born in High Point, North Carolina. Her family attended Springfield Friends Meeting. Irene and her younger sister, Ruby, were the first in their family to graduate from college. Throughout her whole life, Irene promoted the value of higher education to all.
Lehigh Valley Friends’ Journey to Hybrid Meeting for Worship
When Lehigh Valley Meeting shifted from in-person to virtual Meeting for Worship, we happily welcomed distant Friends and we realized that virtual worship was not only keeping our meeting community together, it was expanding our reach.
My First Time at Camp Onas
This summer was my first time going to Camp Onas, being away from home and my parents. For two weeks I lived in bunk Cuttalasa with four other boys
Quarterly Meeting in the Summertime
On Sunday, August 15th, Bucks Quarter Friends once again gathered virtually on a picture-perfect summer’s day for enlightening programming, fellowship and business.
Middletown Meeting Supports Friends Peace Team’s Rwanda Book Project
At their July business meeting Middletown Meeting Friends approved a donation of $2,500 to support the Friends Peace Team’s Rwanda Book Project.
Doylestown Friends Hiroshima Bombing Observance Vigil
Nearly from the inception of their use in warfare, Doylestown Friends have actively sought to raise consciousness in their local community about nuclear weapons and the need to abolish them.
Uncovering Treasures at the Mercer Museum
As a member of Plumstead Friends Meeting and a history enthusiast, I’ve often pondered about the history and origins of our meetinghouse.
Fallsington Meeting’s Jonathan Sprout is a Force For Good
Grace. Courage. Community. Hope. These are just four of the twenty-four short song-films that Jonathan Sprout’s music and film not-for-profit Force For Good has created as a way to unify, inspire and empower people.
Looking Back at a Year of Virtual Quarterly Meetings
Last year’s May Quarterly Meeting was our first ever held on Zoom. We thought that these restrictions would last a few weeks, a few months at most. It was unimaginable that they would last a year – but they did.
Newtown Meeting’s Lasagna Dinner Fundraiser is a Virtual Success
The young Friends of Newtown Meeting have done it again! They hosted an extraordinarily successful fundraiser during a pandemic and raised over $3,000!
Outdoor Worship in the Rain with Bristol Friends
A little rain could not dampen the spirits of those who attended the first outdoor worship service in 2021 of Bristol Friends Meeting.
Spring is in the Air at Friends Home and Village
The days are getting warmer, the sun is shining longer, and Friends Home & Village gardeners are excited because they are enlarging their vegetable garden!