Stories of Vitality
What Do You Miss Most About Meeting in Person at our Meetinghouse?
In the March 2021 edition of the Fallsington Friends Meeting newsletter, Friends were asked, “What do you miss most about meeting in person at our meetinghouse?”
Worship Around the Outdoor Fireplace at Yardley Friends Meeting
This winter, Yardley Friends have been gathering outside around the fireplace for meeting for worship .
Quarterly Meeting Memories
In a memoir written for her nieces and nephews, Elizabeth Atkinson Woodman [1880–1984], a member of Wrightstown Meeting, shared what Bucks Quarterly Meeting was like at the beginning of the 20th century.
Bucks Quarter Friends Gather Virtually for Quarterly Meeting
Bucks Quarter Friends held their Quarterly Meeting virtually on Sunday, February 21.
Remembering Ann Shorey Bishop
Long time member of Yardley Friends Meeting, Ann Shorey Bishop, died on January 13, 2021 at Chandler Hall Hospice, Newtown, PA.
Bucks Food for Friends: More Relevant Than Ever
Since October 2008, Bucks Food for Friends has served meals on the third Monday of each month at the Fallsington Quaker Meetinghouse, with the mission to serve monthly home-style dinners in a warm, respectful atmosphere to those in need in the Lower Bucks County area.
A Small Meeting with a Big Heart
Quakertown Monthly Meeting may be small, but our hearts are big! As one of the smaller meetings in Bucks Quarter, Quakertown Meeting has been very busy these past few months
Time to Listen
Friends Home & Village is a small and caring community. As the new Executive Director, when the pandemic started last March, I was busier than ever.
Middletown Meeting’s Annual Auction Goes on Despite the Pandemic
While we all missed the warm fellowship of our traditional auction-night potluck supper, the auction itself went on in true 2020 style – online!
Meeting Updates – Makefield Friends Meeting
Makefield Friends Meeting has resumed meeting for worship inside the meetinghouse, taking the appropriate precautions so that Friends can remain safe while being in community.
Bucks Quarter Friends Gather for Quarterly Meeting
Friends gathered virtually for Quarterly Meeting, under the care of Quakertown Meeting, for fellowship, worship and business.
Newtown Meeting’s Simple Supper Goes Virtual
This year, the children and teens from Newtown Quaker Meeting held their annual Simple Supper virtually and raised funds to support the Pennsylvania SPCA
Inch by Inch, Row by Row, We’re Going to Make this Garden Grow
The First Day School Garden at Doylestown Friends Meeting could be a living example of our commitment to the Testimonies of Stewardship and Community. By January of 2015, we had formed an ad hoc committee to lay the groundwork for the garden.
Quakers Around the Quarter Celebrate Juneteenth
On Friday, June 19, in response to the increased awareness of racial injustice in our country, eight Quaker meetings in the Bucks County area held vigils.
Standing for Equality & Justice at Southampton Friends Meeting
Beginning on Sunday, June 7, and continuing every Sunday since then, Southampton Quakers have gathered at a corner at 4 pm for a weekly vigil in support of racial justice.
Love and Marriage at Pennswood Village
Carolyn Azubah Peters-Eckel and James Cope Michener, who have known each other all their lives, married each other recently at their home at Pennswood Village.