Stories of Vitality
George Lakey Speaks and Sings at Fallsington Friends
On January 25th, Friends from Bucks Quarter joined together at Fallsington Meeting house for an evening of inspiration, fellowship, and song.
Daffodil Planting at the Burial Ground
Friends spent a lovely fall afternoon planting almost 300 daffodil bulbs in the no mow section of their burial ground.
Wrightstown Friends Meeting Goes Green
Find out how Wrightstown Friends Meeting’s “Green Team” is working to put the Quaker testimony of Stewardship for the Earth into action.
Newtown Friends Honor Conscientious Objectors
On World Quaker Day Newtown Friends First Day School children learn about and place Peace Flags honoring conscientious objectors interred in their burial ground.
Stream Restoration at Southampton Friends Meeting
Southampton Friends help preserve the stream on their property by holding a “live staking” event in April.
Drones Over Newtown Meeting
Newtown Friends Meeting engaged drone pilot and Bristol Friend Paul Shaffer to fly over their burial grounds to take pictures for a new, comprehensive map.
Singing in Spring with Makefield Friends
Makefield Friends Meeting held its first Spring Celebration Concert on an early April Saturday afternoon featuring the music of Paige Melton .
Catching Up with Buckingham Friends
Friends at Buckingham have working together to freshen up the inside of our house of worship by painting the ceilings and walls.
Celebrating Trees at Bristol Friends Meeting
As you drive by Bristol Meeting on Market Street in historic Bristol Borough, you can’t help but notice the huge sycamore tree adjacent to the meetinghouse. Fondly known as the Penn sycamore, the tree has been there almost as long as the meetinghouse, and on April 6th, Bristol Friends decided it was time to give it a birthday party!
Lehigh Valley Friends Have Reasons to Celebrate
As Bucks Quarter Coordinator, I am charged with visiting each of the fourteen meetings in the Quarter on a regular basis. At my most recent visit to Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting – the northernmost meeting in the Quarter – I heard and experienced why Friends there have cause celebrate.
Yardley Friends Welcome New Clerk Ted Taylor
Ted Taylor, new clerk of Yardley Friends Meeting, shares some thoughts he had during meeting for worship as he focused on the fire blazing in the fireplace.
Yardley Friends’ Flea Market is a Success
The rain held off, allowing Yardley Friends to have a successful 67th Annual Flea Market on September 9th.
Fallsington Friends Hold Quakerism in a Nutshell Workshop
Bucks Quarterly Meeting historically holds an annual Quakerism in a Nutshell (QIN) workshop – that is, until 2020, when the scheduled workshop had to be cancelled due to the pandemic shutdown. Fast forward to 2023…
Winter Worship with Plumstead Friends
It was a nippy 42° in the meetinghouse when Dafydd Jones, clerk of Plumstead Meeting, came to start the fire in the wood burning stove last Sunday morning. By the time Friends began to arrive, the temperature had risen about 10 degrees
Bristol Friends Partners with Redemption Church
Bristol Friends have had their ups and downs since they first began meeting in 1701, but they have recently found some renewed energy courtesy of their new tenant, Redemption Church.
Honoring the Trees
Buckingham Meeting celebrated the life and support of the trees that will be taken down with the building and renovations of their school this Fall with a tree-hugging ceremony.
Middletown Friends reach for their roots on World Quaker Day
It was a meeting 340 years in the making and it happened Sunday, October 2, 2022 at Middletown Friends Meeting in Langhorne as congregations from England and America worshipped together for the first time on World Quaker Day.
Yardley Friends Flea Market Once Again a Huge Success
The day dawned cool and sunny for Yardley Friends Meeting’s 66th Annual Flea Market, which was held on Saturday, September 10th on the meetinghouse grounds at 65 North Main Street in historic Yardley Borough.
Summer of Freedom Camp visits Solebury Meeting
On a beautiful day in July, Solebury Friends Meeting hosted a group of kids from the Summer of Freedom camp, run by the Ujima Friends Peace Center, which is located in North Philly.
Yardley Friends Step Outside for Spiritual Growth and Gardening
This spring, the Quakers at Yardley Friends Meeting are building a labyrinth and a set of raised bed gardens on the grounds of the meetinghouse to create a space for meditation, and to provide a growing site for medicinal herbs.