George Lakey Speaks and Sings at Fallsington Friends

On January 25th, Friends from Bucks Quarter joined together at Fallsington Meeting house for an evening of inspiration, fellowship, and song. 

Kicking off the event was a viewing of the fascinating and inspirational documentary, Citizen George, which portrays the story of George Lakey’s lifetime commitment to activism and nonviolent social change.

George and his daughter, Ingrid, then joined the group for a potluck feast followed by an evening of Broadway songs, led by George on the piano.

George and Ingrid took the time to answer questions and sign books, and shared stories and timely tips on how to organize for social justice.

Thank you to George, Ingrid, and the community for supporting this event with a great turnout! 


Bucks Quarter Friends Gather at Bristol Meeting


Don’t Leave a Mess When You Go