Stories of Vitality
Bucks Quarter Friends Gather at Bristol Meeting
Bucks Quarter Friends met for worship, fellowship, and business at Bristol Friends Meeting on February 16, 2025.
Bristol Friends Summer Art Camp
In August, Bristol Friends hosted a summer art camp for kids at their meetinghouse.
Celebrating Trees at Bristol Friends Meeting
As you drive by Bristol Meeting on Market Street in historic Bristol Borough, you can’t help but notice the huge sycamore tree adjacent to the meetinghouse. Fondly known as the Penn sycamore, the tree has been there almost as long as the meetinghouse, and on April 6th, Bristol Friends decided it was time to give it a birthday party!
Learning to Cook at Bristol Friends Meeting
Bristol Meeting’s new clerk, Alisa Myles, arrived with lots of ideas and enthusiasm. Passionate about refugee resettlement, her first outreach project involves teaching Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) how to cook.