Stories of Vitality
Lehigh Valley Friends’ Journey to Hybrid Meeting for Worship
When Lehigh Valley Meeting shifted from in-person to virtual Meeting for Worship, we happily welcomed distant Friends and we realized that virtual worship was not only keeping our meeting community together, it was expanding our reach.
Middletown Meeting Supports Friends Peace Team’s Rwanda Book Project
At their July business meeting Middletown Meeting Friends approved a donation of $2,500 to support the Friends Peace Team’s Rwanda Book Project.
Outdoor Worship in the Rain with Bristol Friends
A little rain could not dampen the spirits of those who attended the first outdoor worship service in 2021 of Bristol Friends Meeting.
What Do You Miss Most About Meeting in Person at our Meetinghouse?
In the March 2021 edition of the Fallsington Friends Meeting newsletter, Friends were asked, “What do you miss most about meeting in person at our meetinghouse?”
Worship Around the Outdoor Fireplace at Yardley Friends Meeting
This winter, Yardley Friends have been gathering outside around the fireplace for meeting for worship .
Meeting Updates – Makefield Friends Meeting
Makefield Friends Meeting has resumed meeting for worship inside the meetinghouse, taking the appropriate precautions so that Friends can remain safe while being in community.