Stories of Vitality
Don’t Leave a Mess When You Go
Susan Woodman Hoskins, MSW, speaks about gathering and organizing your personal documents in her workshop Don't Leave a Mess When You Go, presented at Newtown Friends Meeting on January 12, 2025
Newtown Friends Honor Conscientious Objectors
On World Quaker Day Newtown Friends First Day School children learn about and place Peace Flags honoring conscientious objectors interred in their burial ground.
Drones Over Newtown Meeting
Newtown Friends Meeting engaged drone pilot and Bristol Friend Paul Shaffer to fly over their burial grounds to take pictures for a new, comprehensive map.
A Peace Pole Far From Home
Young Adult Newtown Meeting member Andrew Fellows sends greetings and pictures from his Peace Corps posting in Kosovo.
Remembering Newtown Friend Nancy Strong
Beloved Newtown Friend, Nancy Strong, passed away on January 10, 2024 at her home at Pennswood Village. Her memorial service, which was held on March 16, was filled with loving remembrances from all of those she touched throughout her wonderful life.
Newtown Friends Dig into the Past
Newtown Meeting burial ground liaisons Wendy Kane and Sharon Hulihan presented a program at Adult First Day School entitled Digging Into the Graveyard, giving the history and stories of some of the Friends buried in their graveyard.
Newtown Quakers Support Right Sharing of World Resources
When Newtown Meeting decided to partner with Right Sharing of World Resources on the Ramanathpuram Project in India’s state of Tamil Nadu, members Jennifer and Tony Wolf were thrilled because they had already planned a three-week trip to India in January 2024.
Newtown Meeting Hosts Interfaith Service of Unity, Peace & Gratitude
On a beautiful autumn afternoon, Newtown Monthly Meeting hosted an Interfaith Service attended by approximately 70 people from almost 20 different denominations.
The Healing Power of a Quilt
Over 15 years ago, the Inreach/Outreach Committee at Newtown Friends Meeting had an idea for an intergenerational activity. They would make a quilt composed of the hands of all the meeting members, young and old.
Bucks Quarter Goes Hybrid–Take 2
Follow the trials and tribulations of Bucks Quarterly Meeting as we try our hand at holding our second hybrid Quarterly Meeting of 2023.
Newtown Meeting and the American Legion Morell Smith Post 440
Newtown Meeting members Anna and Charles Smith’s only son, Morell, enlisted in World War I and was soon listed as Missing in Action.