Summer Fun with Bucks Quarter Quakers
The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2023 drove Bucks Quarter Quakers into their own separate spaces, replacing our regular gatherings with virtual Zoom meetings. While it was necessary at the time, after three long years, Friends were ready to see each other in person instead of just on a screen.
With the declaration in the spring that the pandemic was officially “over,” the Bucks Quarter Outreach Committee decided it was time to get reacquainted with one another. So on Saturday, June 17th, under sunny skies with temperatures in the 70s, Friends from around the Quarter came together for a “Friends are Fun” picnic.
The gathering was held at Tohicken Valley Park, located at just about the half-way point of the 75 miles that separates our northernmost meeting, Lehigh Valley, from our southernmost meeting, Bristol.
The Outreach Committee wanted to keep this a time for fun, so the only business allowed was to introduce yourself to someone you didn’t know–and it was wonderful to see Friends from around the Quarter making new friends!
Grill master Rich Richardson serving Friends
Everyone certainly came hungry and ready to eat! There was a grilled main course of hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs prepared by our grill master, Newtown Friend Rich Richardson. There was also a great selection of side dishes and desserts to share, and very little went to waste!
Friends Village generously loaned us their corn hole set, and many good-natured matches were played. Paul Shaffer, Bristol Meeting, brought his self-balancing Segway and gave lessons to those who were brave enough to give it a try. Jerry Taylor, Makefield Meeting, led a group on a hike along one of the park’s many trails. Carolyn Michener, Southampton Meeting, led a large multi-generational group in some rousing parachute games.
About 75 Friends from around the Quarter joined in the fun throughout the day. Many remarked that this was the first Quarter picnic they had attended – turns out it was the first Quarter-wide picnic we’ve ever organized! Considering how much fun everyone had I’m sure it won’t be the last.