Perfect Attendance at Bucks Quarter’s February Meeting
In theory, “perfect attendance” could mean that all members from the fourteen meetings in Bucks Quarter were under one roof, gathered for worship and business. But in this case, “perfect attendance” means that there was representation from all our meetings – something that hasn’t happened since before the pandemic! One life-long Friend commented that there were so many in attendance that it felt like “old times.”
Attendance at a February Quarter Meeting can be spotty – there are often weather issues, and many Friends don’t want to travel when it’s cold outside. But the snow that had recently fallen had melted from the road, and the day dawned bright and cold. And thankfully, no one had to travel by horse drawn carriage or wagon!
Our Tech Team Scott Hoskins & Richmond Shreve
There was a virtual option using our “hybrid meeting in a box.” Solebury Friends have never offered virtual worship, so the Quarter brought its own equipment, along with our newly formed Bucks Quarter Tech Support Team. They were able to set up, monitor, and then pack up all the equipment efficiently and with a smile. Friends on Zoom reported they could see and hear all the activity during the program, worship, and meeting for business.
The children’s program was a lesson about Jesus and his love for the little children. We all sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children” and “A Place in the Choir.” The adult program featured Tom Hoopes and Jeff Markovitz speaking on Friends Education and its Role in the Health of the Religious Society of Friends; that program was recorded and available on the Bucks Quarter YouTube channel or by clicking on the image below.
Solebury Friends provided a bountiful spread of goodies for lunch and there was standing room only for the over 60 Friends who enjoyed the shared meal. Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business completed the day, when Friends heard annual reports from Makefield, Doylestown and Quakertown Meetings, Chandler Hall, and Friends Camp Association.
We will welcome spring at our May Quarterly Meeting which will be held in a hybrid manner under the care of Southampton Friends Meeting.