Fallsington Friends Hold Concert to Benefit The Peace Center
Benefit Concert at the Meetinghouse
There was a whole lot of shaking going on, as well as dancing and singing, at the Fallsington Friends Meeting House on September 8th when Friends hosted a family concert to benefit The Peace Center of Bucks County (TPC). Headlining the concert was the award-winning musical duo Two of a Kind, who provided a lively and interactive mix of music that had everyone, adults and children alike, on their feet, dancing and singing. The day’s activities also included a puppet show, crafts, a presentation by the Peace Center, and hospitality and fellowship. Friends also helped The Peace Center kick off their online silent auction, which will officially take place from November 6th to November 9th.
Danny Thomas
Danny L. Thomas, the executive director of TPC, provided an inspirational and engaging look at the services provided by the center. As their mission states, TPC provides programs on Building Peace: One person, One School, One Community at a time. They provide supportive services, an extensive list of education programs, and activities to assist students who are dealing with conflict, aggression, and bullying. TPC has many programs available that support individuals, families, and community groups to develop a deeper understanding of each other and to be able to convey that understanding with effective communication styles and strategies. For a complete list of their programs and to learn more about this wonderful county resource, follow the link to their website here https://thepeacecenter.org/about-us/.
Two of a Kind
Fallsington Friends would like to extend heartfelt appreciation to the amazing musical duo Two of a Kind, composed of the husband-and-wife team of David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans, who have dedicated their long-standing career to the support of peace, diversity, and unity through music and a great deal of fun. Two of a Kind presents concerts for families and children of all ages, including songs, puppets, movement, and stories – all with an emphasis on interaction and participation. Themes of songs and stories range from reading & books, friendship and animals to social issues such as the environment, conflict resolution and diversity. Two of a Kind helps audiences of all ages feel that they can create music and that they can make a difference in the world. For more information and to check out where you can see them for yourselves, please visit their website at https://twoofakind.com/.
Jonathan Sprout
And to complete this star-studded line up, we had our own Jonathan Sprout, a true Force for Good, who served as Master of Ceremonies. Jonathan has been creating music and films to inspire hope and unity throughout his extensive career. To learn more about Jonathan and to treat yourself to his music and videos, please visit his website at jpnsprout.com and https://www.forceforgoodmusic.com/